Monday, May 31

Evaluate Learning Outcomes

At the half way point in my professional development plan for 2021 it is now a good time to review my progress . 

So far I have found the plan to be very helpful. Over the last six months I have studied a broad range of topics, some of those topics where within the plan and some where done in an ad hoc manner. Comparing topics studied within the plan to those studied without, the planned topics were studied in a more comprehensive and systematic way with more deliberate practice and social learning. This resulted in better learning outcomes with a more solid grasp of the subject.

Skills Learned

Learning to Learn

I completed my initial goals, finishing the practical, social and formal components with only bonus items outstanding on the progress tracker.

I finished a second course in addition to the one I initially identified and I was happy with the way I was able to put my learning into practice.


I completed my initial practical and social goals with the formal component still unfinished. A bonus practical activity as two video courses are still outstanding on the progress tracker.

I am happy with the improvement in my JavaScript skills and have been able to put my new knowledge into practice. The modularity and reusability of my JavaScript has improved. I am looking forward to finishing the final modules in my courses.

Reduce Stress 

The activities that I chose to combat stress were very effective and the WOOP Matrix was helpful in keeping me on track.  However while it was easy to keep the schedule when I was stressed it became harder when I was merely preventing possible stress in the future. I fell off the wagon in March but rededicated my efforts in April.

Functional Programming

I still haven't yet identified practical and social activities for category theory and lambda calculus. I am hoping they will help me improve my functional programming which is a style I have been utilizing with increasing frequency over the last decade.


Sunday, May 30

Self-Directed Learning

A t the end of November 2020 I put together a professional development plan for 2021 with the help of Knowles (1975) Six Step Self-Directed Learning Model.

Diagnose Needs

First step in the Self-Directed Learning Model is to identify your needs. At the time three needs immediately came to mind.
  • Encourage my team to take more ownership of their professional development.
  • Learn to cope with the stress of my job in a more effective way.
  • Increase my skill with JavaScript to the same level as my skill with C# and Swift.

The reason I was creating a development plan in the first place was to lead by example. It had the additional benefit of organizing my professional development in a more systematic and structured way.
In the last quarter of 2020 my sympathetic nervous system became over stimulated flooding my body with adrenaline and cortisol causing insomnia, stress and exhaustion. I needed to control my stress levels by engaging in activities that activated my parasympathetic nervous system. Fortunately I already had a good idea how to do this. Over most of 2020 I had been studying positive psychology and the science of wellbeing, so I had a wealth of both theory and practical advice to draw upon. It was just a matter of customizing that advice to my situation and putting it into practice. 
I have been using JavaScript for almost a decade, however I had learnt it in ad hoc manner and my understanding is not as thorough as most other technologies I used on a regular basis. My understanding of many JavaScript Frameworks was more comprehensive than vanilla JavaScript. This is the very situation I warn against when I mentor and coach other developers. Also my JavaScript code tends to be less structured or modular than my C# or Swift code. Therefore my skills in that area needed an upgrade. 

Formulate Goals 

After using focusing questions to narrow down the skills I wanted to target, I decided I wanted to balance my attention between people and technological skills and also between concrete and more abstract skills. I came up with a two by two matrix and filled it in.
Focus People Tasks
Abstract Learn to Learn Category Theory & Lambda Calculus
Concrete Reducing Stress & Refocusing the Mind JavaScript & Knockout
To help me make the most of my development plan I decided to study learning strategies as my abstract people skill. I decided that developing my intrapersonal skills to control my stress counted as my concrete people skill and JavaScript counted as my concrete technical skill. To fill in the remaining area I decided to concentrate on mathematical theories that would help me utilize functional programming in a more effective manner.

Identify Resources 

It was reasonable easy to find online resources to support my learning, there is a wealth of online courses that are freely available. I added them to my Self-Directed Learning Matrix 
Diagnose Needs Formulate Goals Identify Resources
Learning Strategies
Learn to Learn Professional Development Course Learn to Learn Course
Reducing Stress &
Refocusing the Mind
sleep - 8hrs
exercise - 30min
meditation - 5min
play music - 15min 

Happiness & Wellbeing The Science of Well Being Course
JavaScript & Frameworks
Generic JavaScript

Advanced JavaScript courses MDN Coursera courses JS for web devs JS, jQuery, JSON web programming

Functional Programming
Category Theory Category Theory for Programmers Book
Lambda Calculus
Lambda Calculus videos 1 & 2
You would think that meditation would be the most effective activity for reducing stress, but it turned out that for me, practicing and playing music was the most effective method. Not everyone can use music this way. However most people have some sort of activity that calms them and helps them focus their mind, whether that is drawing, golf, chess, music or some other hobby.

Choose Strategies 

For Learning Strategies and JavaScript I used the 70-20-10 rule. I filled in a Learning Action Matrix to divide my learning activities between deliberate practice, social learning and self study. 

For controlling stress I used WOOP to help establish new habits. I filled in a WOOP Matrix to plan my approach.

For functional programming I delayed planning out my approach until the other topics where finished.

Implement Activity

I used a check list to track my adoption of stress relieving habits. If I missed an activity on one day I focus on achieving it on the next.

Evaluate Outcomes


The Learning Action Matrix organized the development plan in a simple to understand structure.
Many of the learning strategies that I learnt came together to form a synergistic whole.

Saturday, May 15

The New Normal

I t's been more than a year since COVID became a part of our lives and we have adapted. The world looks very different from what it did a year ago. Some things are better e.g. more telecommuting, some things are worse e.g. less social events. This is a look back on what it has meant for me and what it means going forward. My experience is hardly unique as most of us face similar problems.


I started a new job in March 2020 and a few weeks into the new job everyone was transitioning to working from home. I was a little hesitant at first as the schools had closed and my apartment was full of noisy children. However the children were good about being quiet while I was running meetings. My team adjusted to video meetings and we were soon communicating far more frequently than when we were sharing an office. The company was committed to making remote work effective therefore the transition was well planned and the IT infrastructure put in place to support remote work.

We all adapted surprisingly quickly and everyone made allowances for the situation, if there were people passing in the background of a video or a bit of extra noise it was no big deal. 

Biggest requirement is to draw boundaries. When I first started working remotely I thought the problem would be that my personal life would bleed into my work life, however my family is good about not disturbing me while I am at work.  A bigger problem is my work life bleeding into my personal life. There is always the temptation to do one more thing. Also there are time zone differences so even when you're off work other members of the team are still working, and in this always connected world, there is the temptation to respond to queries. I have seen team members respond while they are on vacation or after hours or on the weekend and I must admit that I have done the same.

It is sometimes difficult to balance your needs with other people's needs. One of the attendees of my meetings asked to shift the time so that she could pick up her child from school. I was happy to ask the other attendees if they were okay with the new time then adjust the time. I had faced the exact same problem the previous month, but had made other arrangements rather than inconvenience my co-workers. I realize now that I should have done as she had and asked my attendees if they were okay with a new time. It is important to ask for what you need to succeed and thrive.

I am back to working one day a week in the city.  I prefer remote work and most of my co-workers feel the same. The company has gone from having a dedicated office to renting a co-working space. This also means they have gone from having dedicated on-premises servers to having everything in the cloud. 

Unfortunately the transition back has not been as well organized as the transition to remote. At the start of COVID there was a sense of urgency and a determination to get things right. Whereas with the transition first to partial on site work and then to a co-working space the attitude has been more laissez-faire.

My employer is not the only business to shift to co-working spaces and cities all over the world are dealing with a shift in tenancy patterns.  


You would think that being cooped up in the same apartment we would see a lot more of each other, but we actually see less of each other now. Part of it is that the girls are getting older and more independent, but part of it is lifestyle changes brought by COVID. We now have more than twice the number of devices in the apartment than we did before COVID. It used to be that the family would sit in front of the TV sharing a movie, but those days are long gone. Now the TV is only used for news and video games. The demise of the idiot box isn't exactly a tragedy, some would call it a boon. However everyone stays in their room, working on their devices or video calling their friends or watching media. Sometimes the only thing that breaks the illusion that I am alone in the apartment is when one of my daughters comes out of her room and asks me for help with her school work.

Thank the stars for card games. We played cards before COVID, I taught the girls when they were very young, and it has always been a fun shared activity but card games became a lot more important after COVID.  We still go walking around the park when the park is open and restrictions allow, but less frequently than we did. We also used to do a lot of improv games. Those have gotten a little less popular as the girls get older but are still fun.

We have to schedule time together now and make family time a priority, where before it just happened.


With the gym and pool shut down in the middle of the crisis I was reduced to running up and down the stairs. Thankfully things are back open again, but I still haven't fully gotten back into my old routine.

The girls had it worse with almost everything shut down. They are back doing most of their activities such as swimming lessons, gymnastics and dancing. However they still do less activities than they did before. I worry about the effect of spending so much time indoors has had on them.

Monday, May 10

Select the Right Skills to Improve


ontinuous learning

is key to maintaining your professional skills, and as with pursuing any goal it helps to have a plan. In this case a professional development plan. When creating your development plan it is important to select the right skills to focus on. When selecting skills to train ask the following questions.

Focusing on Strengths or Weaknesses?

  • Reasons to focus on strengths
    • You can gain energy from building strengths while fixing weaknesses can drain energy and enthusiasm.
    • Groups naturally divide tasks and the team can gain efficiency if each member specializes on their strengths.
  • Reasons to focus on weaknesses
    • gives you a more flexible toolkit
    • over-specialization can make you a bottleneck within the team
  • Reasons to balance focus between strengths and weaknesses
    • combining a broad base of skills with a few specializations is called T-shaped skills and is advocated by many thought leaders.
  • Reasons to creatively apply a strength to tasks you are weak in.
  • Test your strengths

Focusing on Task or People Skills?

  • What's more important, hard skills or soft skills?
    • Both are important as almost all jobs require you both to complete tasks and work with other people.

Focusing on Skills for Your Current Role, or Next Role?

  • First you need to master your current role, but after a certain level of competency you need to prepare for the future and broaden your skill base.

Focusing on Specific or General Skills?

Concrete skills are easier to learn and it is easier to test whether you have learnt them correctly. However it is harder re-use these skills in different situations. They often have narrower applicability. Also unless you pair concrete skills with semi-abstract skills it can sometimes be difficult to do deep learning, depending on how much theory comes bundled with the concrete skills. Abstract skills are fuzzier and can be harder to learn however they are easier to apply to widely different situations.

The Common Strategy May Not be the Best Strategy

I have coached and mentored many developers and most developers focus on narrow technical skills and place a strong emphasis on eliminating weaknesses. This is a reasonably good strategy for a beginner. However what is suitable at one stage of your career will not necessarily help you at a latter stage. I see many experience people not living up to their potential because they fail to widen and broaden the sources of their inspiration.

Sunday, May 9

Learning by Doing


cting Your Way into a New Way of Thinking

Positive Deviancy wasn't the only technique in Jerry and Monique Sternin's arsenal as they endeavored to convince the Vietnamese villagers to change what they fed their children. Jerry Sternin believed 'It's easier to act your way into a new way of thinking, than think your way in to a new way of acting.'
The biggest obstacle to the changes they wanted to make was the perception that the foods that they were advocating were worthless and low class. They made those foods (sweet potato greens, shrimp, and crabs) the price of admission for their cooking event. By gathering those foods so that they attend a cooking event that showed how to prepare those foods and then them caused
cognitive dissonance as the villagers had acted as if they believed that sweet potato greens, shrimp, and crabs weren't worthless after all.
Even if you are convinced, knowing that something is the right thing to do doesn't make it easy to form a new habit.
Making small incremental changes in your life is far more effective than any amount of self talk trying to convince yourself to do the right thing. Having the villagers gather the materials themselves broke the ice and gave them a head start in creating that new habit.

Recognition is Not Recall

When studying a subject students often believe they know the material as it is familiar. But recognizing that you have encountered the material before is not the same as recalling the material on demand. Students can easily become over confident believing they know the material when they do not.
Re-reading the material will only make things worse. Only by testing yourself and undertaking deliberate practice can your knowledge be solidified.

This sense of familiarity and recognition is behind much of the illusion of explanatory depth where people believe that they know how every day objects work but are at a loss when asked to give a detailed explanation.
It is also behind much of The Dunning-Kruger Effect. Just because something is ubiquitous in your life, doesn't mean you have the language and mental models to truly understand what you are seeing no mater how frequently you encounter it.

70-20-10 Rule

When learning a new skill or knowledge area we trend to over invest in self study and formal study and under invest in learning with others and deliberate practice.

Breaking Down Learning Activities

According to the Center for Creative Leadership learning can be up to 3 times more effective if you take a hybrid approach. This has been supported by subsequent research.

The breakdown is as follows
  • 10 percent of professional development optimally comes from formal traditional courses
  • 20 percent through social learning, coaching, mentoring, collaborative learning
  • 70 percent through hands-on experience

Friday, April 9

Positive Deviance


hen faced with adverse circumstances

most people will muddle through but some will deviate from the norm doing much better or worse than normal. Those that do worse than normal are called negative deviants and are what we normally think of when we think of deviants. However there are also people who thrive in the most disadvantageous situation. These are the positive deviants and much can be learned from them.

So why are they succeeding while others fail. The Fundamental Attribution Error leads people to leap to the conclusion that positive deviants are simply better or that they have a hidden advantage or that they are cheating. However the usual explanation is they have different perspectives, approaches, tactics, strategies and/or attitudes. Things that could be copied by their less successful brethren.

Reasons Successful Strategies Don't Spread

Why aren't the successful techniques of positive deviants not copied by their underperforming peers.

There are several reasons.

Lack of Communication

There has been a bit of work in this area, both in how to improve communication and what hinders it and what encourages it.

The Spillover Effect

This is a well known effect where workers sitting near high performer also have increased performance, lending weight to the notion that the ability to succeed can be learned.

Brown Bag Lunches and Communities of Practice

Are both methods to share success strategies between peers.

Knowledge Management

A systematic discipline to spread this kind of information in an organised way.

Motivation to Learn 

Unfortunately the people who seek out information by deliberately hang out with high performers to get tips or attend events to develop professionally are also the kind of people who are likely to already be positive deviants.

Preconceived Ideas

Why would you bother learning a better way when you already know the best way? There is often an obvious conventional common sense way of doing things, the way people who are getting average results are doing it. Unfortunately conventional wisdom is often more conventional than wise and common sense is more common than sensible. Those who are getting unusual results are unlikely to be using the usual methods. There is a reason that the first step in learning a new discipline is often unlearning everything you learned as a layperson. High performers may even be criticised or viewed with suspicion for not doing things the proper way. This effect will be greatly magnified if the high performer belongs to a minority.


People feel a need to belong. Sharing beliefs and activities is a way to achieve this, bucking the trend can feel uncomfortable.

Doing something different can also be risky. If you follow the herd and fail then at least you can point to others and say they did not succeed either. However if you attempt change and fail you are on your own.

The difference between a odd ball and a leader is that all important first follower. However if your follower is also marinized or low status you may still have trouble getting traction.

Fundamental Attribution Error

If you believe it is all down to talent then you are not going to be experimenting, innovating or capturing others strategies. This harks back to the growth mindset.

Combatting the Savior Complex

When faced with people in trouble the temptation is to parachute in and rescue them using your own knowledge and experience. However techniques and strategies don't always transfer between situations. World nutrition is full of failures were NGOs failed to listen to locals and introduced crops that were eaten by local pest or worse had the opposite problem and spread out of control. And even if you do have the solution unless you make listening your first step you are not going to have the buy-in to make your solution work.
The people at coalface usually know the solution to their problems, its just that, this knowledge is unevenly distributed.

Positive Deviancy in the Real World

The Case of the Well Fed Child

The original and most famous example of leveraging positive deviancy for impact was Jerry and Monique Sternin's work with Save the Children in Vietnam in the 1990s.

Having insufficient funds and facing hostility from the Vietnamese government, they turned their disadvantages into an advantage by embracing the need for an unconventional approach. They conducted a health survey of a poor village measuring the well being of the children of poor families. They identified multiple positive deviants, families that despite being the poorest of the poor still managed to keep their children healthy.

Talking with these families the Sternins identified three factors that would allow any poor villager too keep their children well nourished. They recruited these parents as teachers and distributed this knowledge through free cooking events. Having the cooking ingredients (which only cost the time to gather them) be the price of admission both kept costs low and became a important part of the lesson.

Malnutrition fell dramatically in the area covered by the Sternins' program and the skeptical Vietnamese government was won over.

Follow up studies showed a long term improvement on children's health long after the program ended.

Positive Deviancy in My Own Career

The Case of the Speedy Data Processer

Many years ago I was working in the geophysical survey industry writing software to transform geophysical data into a visual form (a map) so that experts could identify possible mining sites. My software was used by data processers, while most of the data processers were taking 5-6 hours to produce a map, there was one that was completing maps in almost half that time.

The data processers used a series of utilities selected from a suite of applications build and maintained over decades. These applications were applied to very large datasets for that time, therefore long run times weren't unexpected. Much of the functionality of these applications was only necessary in a small percentage of use cases. The speedy data processer was using configuration options to turn off unnecessary processing. The other data processers were unaware of these options and even when they were aware of them they tended to leave the options on 'just in case'.

I went though the processing steps one by one, optimizing some, changing some from default on to default off, and removing many that the domain experts identified as obsolete. The most time intensive application went from taking three hours to finishing in twelve minutes. I reduced the end to end process by more than a factor of three.

This improvement was made possible because as I was working in the map room I noticed one of my co-workers was twice as productive as the others and asked the right questions.




Saturday, February 6

Double Loop Learning


hat you are doing and what you are learning does not exist in isolation but as a part of a wider context. Paraphrasing the well worn marketing tip "Our customers do not want drills bits they want holes", that is, smaller goals exist to further larger goals. Periodically zoom out to that wider context and re-assess based on what you have learned.

Does what you have learned mean you need to change

  • The theoretical framework you use to understand the topic

  • The learning techniques you are using to master the topic

  • The skill you are learning e.g. whether learning this topic will still help you meet your wider goals or do you need to change to learning a different skill.

Adjust goals or decision-making rules in the light of experience.

If you are having trouble meeting your goal then instead of beating your head against the wall. Look at why you are pursuing that goal. It is probably part of a larger goal. If you can not make progress on the original goal perhaps you can make progress in the larger goal by taking a different approach.

An example from my own life

  • a sprint or iteration is a fixed period or timebox which developers use to help plan their work (it is usually 1 to 4 weeks)
  • a backlog is a todo list of work items used for planning
  • a burndown chart shows how quickly work items are getting done.

One of the teams I was coaching was having three problems

  1. They kept abandoning work items they had committed to during backlog refinement and sprint planning, changing their minds from sprint to sprint about the backlog.
  2. They were accomplishing work at the start and end of sprints but nothing was happening in the middle.
  3. They kept on wanting to extend the sprint, claiming they had not finished the work.

In summary they were bad at starting the sprint, they were bad at ending the sprint and they were bad at maintaining focus during the sprint. Although the team had made improvements in many other areas I had not had any luck directly improving the above mentioned three problem areas, so I decided to tackle the problems indirectly. Instead of helping them play the current game I would change the game.

Inspired by eXtreme Programming's recommendation that if you are bad at something you should do it more frequently I convinced them to change the sprint length from two weeks to one week. That may not seem like a big deal but one week sprints can be problem if
  1. Your work items are too big, The majority of items should take a day or less with a one week sprint, while you can get way with larger items with a longer sprint.
  2. Your sprint ceremonies are inefficient, dragging on, causing you to be bogged down with administrivia
  3. Your testing, integration and delivery pipeline has long delays and onerous manual steps, reducing productivity.
Thankful the team had made dramatic improvements in this second trio of issues paving the way for a smooth transition to one week sprints. There was an almost immediate improvement.
  1. The team had an easier time predicting what they would do in the next 5 days instead of the next two weeks. Abandoned work items dropped by a factor of twenty.
  2. The flat horizonal section in their burndown chart disappeared. They were getting things done throughout the sprint instead of just at the beginning and end.
  3. They stopped asking to extend the sprint, because it felt more acceptable and less of a big deal to just add uncompleted work to next weeks sprint. Sprints were less intimidating.
By changing the context I reduced the impact of these weaknesses of the team so they could focus on their strengths.




Monday, January 4

Growth Mindset


he research of Dr. Carol Dweck shows that people's mindset can have a major effect on their success in life.

People with a growth mindset believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The opposite, a fixed mindset can limit learning.

People with a growth mindset see failure as a challenge and criticism as a chance to learn, while those with a fixed mindset see failure as a disaster and criticism as a personal attack.

People with a growth mindset have grit and persist in the face of setbacks, while those with a fixed mindset see the first sign of difficulty as proof that their dream was not meant to be.

People with a growth mindset view other's success as inspirational, while those with a fixed mindset envy others' success.

People with a fixed mindset feel the need to prove themselves, to show that they are amongst  the few with ability, while those with a growth mindset feel that success is just a matter of time and effort.

Do you believe you are stuck with the hand you were dealt with or do you believe you can increase your talent, intelligence and abilities through hard work? Changing your mindset could be the first step in improving your life.




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Friday, January 1

Goal Setting


t is that time of year where people make New Year's resolutions. 

They are easy to make, but not so easy to keep.

So how do you form long lasting habits?

There has been quite a bit of research on this topic in recent years. In particular I have found three methodologies to be helpful (MCII,  Hope Theory and Atomic Habits). Optimism, planning and goal breakdown seem to be recurring themes in these methodologies. They do not contradict each other and are complementary. In fact the authors of these methods refer to each other and seem to be aware of each other's work. I will address each method in turn, below.

Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intentions

A useful technique for changing habits and behavior is mental contrasting with implementation intentions (MCII) also known as WOOP.

The four steps of this technique are

  • Wish. Decide which goal you want to achieve.
  • Outcome. Imagine what it would feel like to achieve the goal.
  • Obstacle. Imagine the obstacles that might prevent you from achieving the goal.
  • Plan. Create if-then plans. e.g. If you meet obstacle A then do behavior B.



Hope Theory

Prof. Snyder breaks his advice into three components.



  • Psychology of Hope  by C.R. Snyder ( Summary Video + Book )
  • Handbook of Hope by C.R. Snyder ( Book )

Atomic Habits

James Clear expounds on what he calls ‘The Four Laws of Behavior Change’.  The new habit must be obvious, easy, attractive, and satisfying.

  • Obvious - The new habit must be tied to a time, place or situation so it can be triggered consistently. 
  • Easy - Break it down into small steps.
  • Attractive - Tie completion of the new habit to a reward.
  • Satisfying - Keep score. Gamify your experience.
