Sunday, March 22

New Software Testing SIG

The inaugural Software Testing Special Interest Group Meeting pulled a crowd of 50 attendees.

The speaker Dr Mark Pedersen discussed various strategies for obtaining support from the business for software testing initiatives. After his presentation there was a lively group discussion where the attendees shared their experiences in this area.

The discussion ended with a call for a volunteer speaker for the next meeting from the software testing community.

Food was served and the group broke for networking and pizza.

This event was sponsored by K. J. Ross & Associates and they have agreed to sponsor future meetings at the same venue, Cliftons.

Cliftons is a great venue and is well suited to this type of event.

Unfortunately the next meeting is not scheduled until the 4th of June which, I find disappointing.

Tuesday, March 3

New Business Analysis SIG

The inaugural Business Analysis Special Interest Group Meeting gathered quite a bit of interest. The tea house was packed and another roomful people were turned away.

The BA SIG is obviously fulfilling a unmet need.

Keith Majoos laid out a introduction and summary of the topics he intends the SIG to cover during the next 9 months complete with many anecdotes from his 30+ years in the industry.

This first talk was well received. The second talk held on the 2nd April on Business Process had a turn out of 62 people.

The next talk is on the 5th May on Modelling Data. Description as follows.

We will focus on the perhaps forgotten yet extremely important aspect of BUSINESS DATA MODELLING.
In this session we will explore:
  • When and why we need to document data
  • The role of the data model in our BA assignment
  • How do we document data?
  • Is it only the IT system analyst/database designer who should develop a data model?
This will be an interactive session with some presentation, and some group discussions.
Looks like the BA SIG meetings will be held at Cliftons in the future, a venue that this SIG shares with the Software Testing SIG.